lørdag 16. november 2013

The Smelter, year 2008

I am watching a wreck, 
a sleeping cyclope, 
a fallen giant.

Born 1906 - or was it 1908?
-It took two years to build.
Then a short century of Life: 
work conflicts,
strikes and factory closure in the 1920-ies, 
depresseion in the 1930-ies, 
wartime occupation in the early 1940-ies, 
new prosperity in the 1950-ies and the 60-ies 
- this Smelter, cornerstone of
the modern 
welfare society.

For almost one hundred years
the Smelter provided work 
to hundreds of men and 
housing, food, clothing and a decent life
to their families. 

Then, 2003, finally it is over -
no longer viable: 
«Get rid of it!»
«Tear the whole shit down!»

But why are they so hateful, these who say:
«Get it down!»
«Get it away, this shit!»
 Why this blind anger?

I am watching a wreck, 
a sleeping giant, 
a fallen cyclope.

Think about it -
for nearly one hundred years
the Smelter provided income,
life and welfare
to all these families in Odda.

Why not let imagination play? 
Why not try to think a little?

Can it be used for something,
this old Smelter and the history linked to it?

Can it still be useful -
this fallen giant
this cyclope
this mammoth
this tired monster
this herculean -
our exhausted elephant

- and all
the stories
behind this huge,
dirty, carbide smelling,
fallen giant’s body - 
can it be used for something?

Why such hatred erupts? -
«Tear the whole shit down.» 
What is this, actually?

One silent, rainy October Sunday
I climbed in there again,
I was walking up there 
on the platform
under the huge rooftop and 
I read this inscription 
in the soot black window:

then I was thinking: 
was their life, 
«small Lars and tiny Kari». 
- How 
was their life, 
and what happened 

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